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Иностранные языки. Образцы заданий ДЛЯ НЕГУМАНИТАРНЫХ СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЕЙ

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       TASK I. Read the monologue and answer the questions (in writing)
       I know there’s nothing I can do about it. Of course he can’t put it back again! But at least surely I have the right to let off steam a bit, don’t I? I mean I told him, didn’t I? I told him! Just a bit here, I said. Just a bit little bit here, and just the smallest bit here. And nothing at all off here. Nothing. Well, then I closed my eyes, as I always do. That’s part of the satisfaction, I always think - it’s, well it’s relaxing. But he kept on cutting and cutting and suddenly I came out of my daydream and looked in the mirror. Ugh! Well, I told him what I thought of him, I can tell you. I mean if it’d been my first time it would have been different. But I’ve been going for months, and always been perfect. Anyway, never again! And don’t try to tell me it’s not too bad, because it’s terrible - you know it is. Look at it! Just look at it! You can smile if you like, but I’ll tell you one thing: we’re not going this evening - or at least I’am not going. I can just see their faces if I did. I can just see your sister’s face, especially. Aniway, they’d prefer to have you on your own. And you know what I think of your mother’s cooking. Tell them I’ve got a cold.
       1. Who is the speaker talking to?
       2. “I told him!” Who did she tell?
       3. What has he done?
       4. What was the speaker doing while this was happening?
       5. Why does she find it hard to believe that this has happened?
       6. “Aniway, never again” What does she mean by this?
       7. How does the listener react when she tells him to “look at it!”?
       8. Where does the speaker not intend to go that evening?
       9. Whose reactions does she particulary wish to avoid?
       10. What two additional reasons does the speaker give for not going?
       TASK II. Underline the correct variant.
       1. ”Please don’t talk to me now. I ... to answer some questions”.
       /try; will try; am trying; have tried/
       2. “Have you written to him?” “Yes, I ... a letter to him last night”.
       /post; was posting; posted; posting/
       3.”Can I help you? “Yes, I’d like ...”
       /the information; to form; any information; some information/
       4. “This coat was left in the classroom. Do you know ... it is?”
       /What; Who; Which; Whose/
       5. “Why didn’t you telephone?” “I ... yor number”.
       /had forgotten; was forgettin; am forgetting; was forgotten/
       6. “Is he comming to the meeting? “Well, I asked him...”
       /if he will come; will he come; if he was coming; would he come/
       7. “Did you see the man?” “Yes, I saw him ... out of the shop”.
       8. “What shall I do next?” “I want ... this letter”.
       /that you type; you tipping; you to type; to be typed/

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Информационная система ;Энциклопедия высшей школы г. Москвы. Создана под руководством АПОС г. Москвы при поддержке Комитета по делам семьи и молодежи Правительства Москвы
Руководитель проекта: А.В. Щербина. Шеф-редактор: В.О. Потапов. Редактор: В.Н. Трухин. Разработка макета информационной системы и поставка задачи на создание программной оболочки: В.В. Когут. В работе над проектом участвовали: О.В. Сидорова, Т.С. Андреева, Л.Р. Белкина, М.А. Ващук, Г.М. Запальский, А.А. Лескин, Т.П. Шкилькова